Saturday, September 28, 2013

Miyawaki Sakura's Google+ Posts 09/27/13-09/28/13 (English Translation)

 Make sure to follow Sakura on Google+!

September 27, 2013 - Friday

8:19 AM

Good morning!

This morning I was able to wake up immediately ♡

Everyone, were you able to wake up immediately this morning, too??

Today, I have a feeling like something good might happen ♪

With that, for all of today
Try your best and good luck.

Sakura Bloom!

5:27 PM

It's been a while since I've eaten pancakes ヽ(´▽`)/

I split this with Murashige and it is really sweet and delicious ♡

Okay! I'm going to hurry home so I can watch Music Station ♪

Sakura bloom!

10:19 PM

What clothes I will be wearing for tomorrow's handshake event is a mini surprise ♡

A hint is...the color!

To everyone who will be attending tomorrow, to everyone who will be watching it from Google+, please look forward to it~ ♪

Sakura bloom!

11:47 PM

Good evening!

Today, Anna and I went to work on our self-improvement ♡

First, we ate healthy ochazuke at a specialty tea shop
Then, we went to a stone sauna and did some weight training and danced to BokuKaze
(in a private room! Lol)
Then, we kept ourselves motivated by eating some pancakes
And we wandered around shopping for clothes...

It's been a while since I've been out with another member so it was a lot of fun ♡♡

I feel like I'm with Anna a lot, whether it's for work or private time. Lol

Members often tell me we're like sisters and I can really talk to them about anything.
I'm so blessed to be surrounded by all of these members that I love ♪

I love everyone!
I spend more time with them than I do with my family so I always look forward to seeing them the next day ♪

Tomorrow is a handshake event in Kitakyushu!
Of course, I am also really looking forward to meeting all of you tomorrow (`>ω<´)♡

Maybe I'll start doing the password project again?? ♪

With that, for all of tomorrow
Try your best and good luck.

Sakura bloom!

September 28, 2013 - Saturday

7:19 AM

Good morning ヽ(´▽`)/

Today is the handshake event in Kitakyushu ♡

To everyone who will be attending, to everyone watching on Google+, let's enjoy today!

Now, I'm heading to Kitakyushu with everyone~!

With that, for all of today
Try your best and good luck.

Sakura bloom!

12:26 PM


The first and second sessions are over ヽ(´▽`)/

Thank you for coming so early in the morning ♡

I'm eating lunch with Meru-chan and Miotasu!

Miotasu isn't in the picture because she came to eat with us later (;_;)

Even though it was the just the two of us, soon after it became the three of us, so l was able to enjoy the food more!

Today's mini surprise is that I am Little Red Riding Hood!

I'm still thinking of a password...
Does anyone have any good ideas? Lol

Well then, for a short while, I will be sleeping (´O`)

Sakura bloom!

5:13 PM

The third and fourth sessions are over ヽ(´▽`)/

Thank you to everyone who came ♡

I'd like to start the password project now ( • ̀ω•́ )✧

When everyone asks me
"Try using your new magic on me!"
I will use some magic that only I know!

I've learned some new magic, other than "Chi Chin Pui Pui Sakura Bloom!", so please look forward to it ♡

Sakura Bloom!

11:24 PM

Good evening!

I'm finally home now~! ♡

My phone was running out of battery and I wasn't able to use Google+, I'm sorry

Today was a handshake event in Kitakyushu!

To everyone who came to the handshake event!
To everyone who enjoyed it from Google+!
Thank you for making my day so fun ♡

Today's mini surprise is that I was
Little Red Riding Hood!

But, I didn't wear the hood while shaking hands so maybe it was hard to tell...?

Some people said it looked like a Tonkotsu Magical Girl Academy outfit and some thought I was Snow White!

It was hard to come up with a password regarding Little Red Riding Hood so I used the Tonkotsu world to come up with a magic spell that I could use on everyone (´,,>ω<,,`)

That magic is "Like me" !

As the name implies, when this spell is cast on you, it will make you like me ♡

So then, let me also cast the spell on everyone looking at my Google+ ( • ̀ω•́ )✧

Hakatan is Hakatan
I want you to like me-chan ♡

With that, everyone must like me a lot  now ☆彡
I'm like Minnie Mouse!

It's been a while since I've done a mini surprise, but it seemed quite popular with everyone so I'm happy ♡♡

If there is another opportunity to do it, I hope that I will be able to~ !
Everyone, what kind of cosplay would you like me to do??
Please let me know!

Sakura bloom!

11:56 PM

Thank you always for your kind comments and support!

I have to read the comments at my own pace, but I always make sure to read every last one of them (´,,>ω<,,`)

Everyone's comments and supportive words are the source of my energy!

Thank you for all of the energy I received today through the handshakes and Google+ (。・ω・)ノ゙

All of the energy I received from everyone...
Since I received it, I can return it...

I can return it a hundred-fold!

(I'm too behind on Hanzawa Naoki and so I'm not watching it *cry*)

With that said!
I will hurry up and record the second episode of the wildly popular "Saku Saku Radio"!

The second episode tomorrow night will suddenly have a very special guest ♡

And from the beginning of the episode, there is some diffuculty that will make you go 'What'!

It'd be disadvantageous not to listen!
Tomorrow night, "Saku Saku Radio"!

The picture has cosplay from three HKT sisters!
Okapan→School Uniform
Sakura→Little Red Riding Hood

With that, for all of tomorrow
Try your best and good luck.

Sakura bloom!

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