Monday, February 10, 2014

Kojima Mako's Google+ Posts 02/08/14-02/10/14 (English Translation)

Make sure to follow Kojimako on Google+!

February 9, 2014 - Sunday

12:04 AM

Hello (´・Д・)」💜

For our second performance with full members,
to everyone who came even though it was snowing,
thank you very much!(u_u)☆

During the part where we free-style dance,
I tried playing around to express
more of my originality than I usually do ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Pay attentionー (´・Д・)」❤️!

Today, was really a lot of snow、snow、、snow!!

It's not normal, is it!

I really like snow, but when it starts to blow around too violently,
the trains stop and
you can't have snowball fights and
the cars slip、、、

It's a disaster〜(u_u)!

I hope it falls more gently 🎵

Well then, then, then,
I have to wake up early tomorrow so I'm going to sleeーp ❤️

I'm a little nervous about being in the hotel room all alone,
but I'll try my best to sleepー☆

Good night (・ω・)ノ

5:59 AM

Ohamako ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ [T.N. - Ohayou (good morning) + Mako]

I was able to wake up (((o(゚▽゚)o)))っ!


Are you awakeー?(・ω・)ノ


9:19 PM

Today, we visited disaster stricken areas
and went to Ofunato and Rikuzentakata
in Iwate prefecture!

So many people waited
in this cold weather
because they were excited to see AKB
and it made me very happy (o^^o)

Even though there are still so many unresolved circumstances
regarding the earthquake disaster,
I was able to see so many smiling faces
and somehow, I felt greatly relieved.

Once again, I realized that I need
to work even harder!

And, one other thing made me happy.

The fact that compared to the last time when
I visited a disaster stricken area for the first time,
there were a lot of people
who knew about me
and Team 4.

I was genuinely
very happy about this. ✨

I want to hurry up
and tell everyone on Team 4 (o^^o)

Because it's at a pace of only once a month,
and the members switch each time,
it's not like I'm able to participate
in an activity like this
multiple times a year,
so once again, I felt,
from the bottom of my heart,
that I need to treasure these rare opportunities!

To everyone who was at Taiyou Academy in Ofunato,
to everyone who was at Hirota Elementary School in Rikuzentakata,
thank you very much 🎵!

10:41 PM

In the middle of picture shiritori
with Yuiringo-san (´・Д・)」❤️

Can you tell what is what〜(・ω・)ノ

To be continued、、、

February 10, 2014 - Monday 11:14 PM

Oyasuminminzemi (´・Д・)」💜 [T.N. - Oyasumi (good night) + minminzemi (a type of cicada)]

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