Friday, February 14, 2014

Miyawaki Sakura's Google+ Posts 02/13/14-02/14/14 (English Translation)

Make sure to follow Sakura on Google+!

February 13, 2014 - Thursday

6:32 PM

Good evening!

A while ago when I was being interviewed at the Universal head office、、、

The Universal staff gave me the Funasshi CD mail-order version ☻

I normally receive CDs from NHK's Ishihara-san, but this mail-order version came with a Funasshi cardboard box!

It's so cute and I'm using it as an accessory case right now!

I really do love Funasshi after all ♥︎

I'm going to go do a bit of shopping now ヽ(* 'ー')ノ

Sakura bloom!

10:58 PM

Good night!
Tomorrow is Music Station!
My heart's pounding ♥︎

Sakura bloom!

February 14, 2014 - Friday

7:48 PM

I'm off to MSta!

Sakura bloom!

9:05 PM

MSta has finished!

Did you all watch itー?
It was really fun!

Sakura bloom!

10:36 PM

Good evening!

Everyone who watched us on MSta, thank you very much!

MSta, where we were able to make an independent appearance!
It was really, really fun ☻

This time, I don't know how to explain it, but it was the ending before I knew it、、、

My excitement still won't subside when I think about how I appeared on MSta, the show that I always watched without fail after Doraemon and Crayon Shinchan ヽ(* 'ー')ノ

When I first appeared on MSta, during UZA, I was surrounded by my seniors and was able to absorb a lot, but this time, appearing independently as HKT48, a different kind of happiness welled up in my heart!

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to talk during the MC, but by the time we next appear, I want to become a more necessary member of HKT and talk a lot!

Today, I was able to write a huge page in my personal history!

A lot of happy things happened, but there were also things that I couldn't do that I'm frustrated about!

If we ever appear on MSta again, in order to draw a huge flower mark [T.N. - young school children receive these often, kind of like a gold star if you're in the US, and it signifies a job well done] on that 1 page, I hope to go with added ability and popularity!

Believing that if there are many trials ahead of me, I will be able to jump higher over them、、、

I'll keep working hard from now onー!

Sakura bloom!


  1. As expected the full song is great~ Can't stop listening to it. ^ ^
    It was a really nice performance.
    I felt like the camera didn't really show that many people though, It seemed like he was only focused on a couple. Still can't complain too much. Their outfits where great too. ^ ^
    I really can't wait for the PV.

    Also.. I think her next magazine appearance is gonna be a lot better from what I've seen of the offshot.

    1. I really like the song, too! I'm glad I'm not the only one since a lot of international fans at least don't seem to like it that much. I wasn't crazy about any of their previous single PVs so I'm excited to see what this one will be like :D

      I'm glad that Sakura is getting more and more exposure with photoshoots lately. Wish she could've talked on Music Station, but it was cool how she made it into those magazine rankings the other day.
