Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mogi Shinobu's Google+ Posts 05/03/14-05/06/14 (English Translation)

Make sure to follow Mogichan on Google+!


May 3, 2014 - Saturday

5:56 AM

Ohamogi! [T.N. - Ohayou (good morning) + Mogi]

I was able to wake upupupupupupー

I was really too nervous alone in the hotel room
and I woke up twice during the night (´・_・`) *laughs*

Furthermore, even in my dream, I was all flustered about waking up on time (; ̄ェ ̄)

Incidentally, I was so nervous that I woke up when my first alarm went off ⊂( ・ω・ )⊃☀︎

The first thing I said when I woke up was

"I woke up!You did it, Mogi!"

( ´ ▽ ` )ノ *laughs*

Mogi tried her best to wake up early so everyone should also try your best even though you're sleepy ♪( ´θ`)ノ

I'll be waiting for you in Osakaー!!←

1:28 PM

2-shot event now ♪( ´θ`)ノ

It's troubling because I'm bad at smiling ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )

Well, I am Mogi a.k.a. the expert at selfie tricks, after all.

11:13 PM

Otsumogi![T.N. - Otsukare (thank you for today) + Mogi]

Thank you very much for coming to the 2-shot event〜!

Since it was in Osaka, people who normally come in Kantou weren't able to come and
conversely, people who normally can't come in Kantou were able to come and it's sort of a strange feeling (੭ु˙꒳​˙)੭ु⁾⁾

People from Osaka would say
"Osaka tanoshindetteya [T.N. - Enjoy Osaka (in Kansai dialect)]〜(^O^)" and it made me so happy ♪(v^_^)v

I'll be waiting again tomorrow!Yes!!!

And, tonight I'll be sleeping with Ayana〜(^_^)☆

I was able to wake up on my own this morning, but
I feel like because of that, I'll feel too relaxed and won't be able to wake up tomorrow so that's why…(´・_・`)

But, it seems that Ayana is bad at waking up, too (o_o)
If the 2 of us oversleep, I'm sorry (´・Д・)」

May 4, 2014 - Sunday

7:58 AM

Ohamogi ‹‹\( ˙▿˙ )/››

Last night, I ended up sleeping alone after all ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Ayana was already asleep before I was able to go to her room *laughs*

Once again, I was really nervous and woke up several times in the middle of the night ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )

I had a dream where I was lateー!!
I was super flustered (◎_◎;)

But in reality, I was able to wake up with my first alarm ( ¯ω¯ ) fufun

I'll be waiting at Intex Osaka again ( ー̀∀ー́ )

I'm in Lane 28 in Building 2!

You can use same-day tickets, too, so I'd be happy if you'd be curious about Mogi and come to see me ( ´◡` )☀︎

2:11 PM


The handshake event has ended〜⊂( ・ω・ )⊃☀︎
Thank you very much, Osaka〜(੭ु˙꒳​˙)੭ु⁾⁾

I was so alone ( ᐛ👐) Paa
I'm thankful to the people who did come ♡

And the feelings of people who wanted to come, but weren't able to, have reached me!

Right now, I'm with Hikari and Mitsuki and Mion〜(^O^)

Hikari keeps noisily asking "What's a magnum!?" ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ ) *laughs*

11:11 PM


Tomorrow, I don't have any work ‹‹\( ˙▿˙ )/››
But I have plans so I won't be resting!Ahahan.

I discovered this video from when Mogi was a child〜☻

I think it's probably from the 7, 5, 3 festival, when I was 3?
The cuteness of my brother next to me and Mogi's ugly state Lol

I found a lot of other videos, too, so I'll post them sometime again ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

[T.N. - I can't really hear, but I think her mom asks her to please make a normal face at the end, lol!]

May 5, 2014 - Monday

12:24 PM


It's already noon. *laughs*

Today, I've had a recording all morning〜

…not really, I've been resting all day ( ᐛ👐) Paa

But I have a feeling that it'll be a wonderful day!

I'll try my best in the afternoon, too ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

May 6, 2014 - Tuesday

7:25 AM

Ohamogi ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

Today is an individual handshake event〜(੭ु˙꒳​˙)੭ु⁾⁾

I'm in Lane 101!
Best regards ‹‹\( ˙▿˙ )/››

I wore sandals so it's so laughably cold ☻
My extremities are really sensitive to the cold so why did I leave my toes out ( ˘ω˘ )?

Is today going to get colder?Warmer?I don't really know ( ˙⃘⍘˙⃘ )!

Anyway, everyone, try to dress accordingly〜♪( ´θ`)ノ

Well then, well then, I'll be waiting at Pacifico Yokohama〜♪(v^_^)v

If you aren't coming for handshakes, please also have a nice day!( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

You can use your same-day ticket ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

11:51 PM

Otsumogi ( ^ω^ )
I was sleeping until just now ( ˘ω˘ ) Suyaa…

Thank you very much for the handshakes (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)

It was so much fun ‹‹\( ˙▿˙ )/››♡

The sandals were too cold after all so I changed into socks and slippers for the handshake parts ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Halfway through, I recklessly walked around in the slippers, too  川`∀´)

I just didn't want to wear anything anymore. *laughs*

Next is a 2-shot event?I think?
I'll be waitingー(੭ु˙꒳​˙)੭ु⁾⁾♡

Well then, well then, I hope that I can have good dreams tonight!

Oyamoginasai ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ♡ [T.N. - Oyasuminasai (good night) + Mogi]

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