Monday, March 17, 2014

Mogi Shinobu's Google+ Posts 03/15/14-03/17/14 (English Translation)

Make sure to follow Mogichan on Google+!

March 15, 2014 - Saturday

10:02 AM

OHAMOGI ‹‹\( ˙▿˙ )/›› [T.N. - Ohayou (good morning) + Mogi]

Today, I had two theater performances ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

If you add tomorrow, I'll have 4 consecutive performances; it'll be tough on my body, but I'll power through it with my fighting spirit ☻

That reminds me, in the middle of the night, I woke up crying!I was shocked!

I won't write what my dream was about, but

it was extremely sad and painful and I was yelling "Whyー!No, no, noー!!!!" and crying out loud ( ; ; )

There were a lot of tears in real life (°_°) Whoa

I'm glad it was just a dreamー…(;_;)

I talked a lot with my mom and sister to make sure that something like that never happens (´・_・`)

I pray that it won't become realityー!!!!!

5:26 PM

The first performance has endedー!

Thank you very much for the foreign audience performance ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

I'll give it my all in the second performance, too!

10:47 PM

Otsumogiー![T.N. - Otsukare (thank you for today) + Mogi]

The second performance has ended (^O^)

The first performance was an all foreign audience!
Thank you very much for going so far out of your way to come see us (((o(゚▽゚)o)))

I changed my hairstyle from the 2 PM performance to the 6 PM performance〜
‹‹\( ˙▿˙ )/››

For the 2 PM, my hair was styled like that of a goddess…or at least it was supposed to be ( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙) *laughs*

For the 6 PM, I wore pigtails for the first time in a while!

Pigtails are nice because they're unexpectedly easy to do (・∀・)‼︎

And I actually also changed my make-up!

Can you tell〜?

I'll do my best again at tomorrow's performances!
Is there any hairstyle you'd like me to do?

No updos though, because I have to wear a beret ( ¯ω¯ )

March 16, 2014 - Sunday

10:53 AM

Good morning, world ‹‹\( ˙▿˙ )/››

I'll work hard again today ☻

Please definitely come to watch the performanceee ( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)

And watch the live stream (੭ु˙꒳​˙)੭ु⁾⁾♡

Lately, I've really wanted a room all to myself ( ˘ω˘ )!

For the lighting in the room, I'd want it to be like Nana's room in NANA with a little chandelier, and

I'd want to decorate the walls with lots of posters and puzzles…

Hyaー, my imagination is running too wild ε-(´∀`; )♡

And, in the end, I still don't know how to do my hair today〜

To the people who said "ponytail", I'd be happy if you'd carefully read every last line on Google+ ( ◠‿◠ )

4:44 PM

The first performance has ended!

Mogi-san isn't scary thoughー(´・ω・`) *laughs*

For the first performance, I ended up going with my usual waves ( ˘ω˘ )

The truth is, I really want to do a ponytail, too〜(´・Д・)」↓↓

I'll change my hair for the night performanceー!

11:24 PM


The performance has endedー!

4 performances in a row was pretty tough after all (; ̄ェ ̄)

Even though it was fun!*laughs*

Umetan and I were able to choose today's bonus comments ♡


I wore my hair straight for the 2nd performance ☻

I wonder if I'll look tidy〜☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Tomorrow, I don't have work!
And I'm free in the afternoon, what should I do〜

March 17, 2014 - Monday 11:00 PM

Otsumogi ☻

Today, I went to school  川`∀´)

I got a super good score on my current affairs test!

43 points out of a perfect 50 points ‹‹\( ˙▿˙ )/››

That would have been 86 points out of 100!
Amazing, right ( ˘ω˘ )?*laughs*

My physics score was…ahahahaha (⌒▽⌒)

There was someplace that I was planning to go to this afternoon, but
my stomach hurt and I was kind of scared to go alone so I decided not to ( ¯ω¯ )

But now I kind of regret not going (꒦ິ⌑꒦ີ)!!

Next time, I'll make sure to go〜(; ̄ェ ̄)

Tomorrow is AnDare!
It's with Aaya-san and Yukarun-san and Sahorin!

It'll be my first time with Nakamura Mariko's MCing (((o(゚▽゚)o)))!

I'm really looking forward to it ☀︎
Please make sure to come ♪(v^_^)v

The picture is of Mogi's bed right now!
Isn't it unexpectedly girly (੭ु˙꒳​˙)੭ु⁾⁾?

Lately, I have less and less room to sleep…*laughs*

Ah, the album resale…(´-`).。oO(♡
I'd be happy if you came o(`ω´ )o!


  1. hey hey hey! sorry for the very late reply (;>_<)
    i'm just returned home from 3 day trip..

    i translate it! \(^o^)/ (proud xD)
    though i translate it from a transcript..
    there's some part that are not included in the transcript..
    some of that part, i translate it by hearing..
    the rest of that part.. i translate it loosely xD (eg. Mitsuki speaking to Sahhoo in some part)
    my hearing is bad x_x even for my own language (Bahasa)

    is there any strange part in that video?

    of course it is okay! (y)

    okay. i will continuing andare as soon as i can too.

    thank you for the translation as always \(^o^)/

    ugh.. in the 15 March pic Mogi is really beautiful *_*
    not just her hairstyle.. she's 女神っぽい alright *_*

    1. ah.. it should be "3 days" isn't it? x_x

      ^^ very not important and not relevant reply xD
      is there any edit option here? x_x

    2. Hey! Hope you had a good trip :D

      I'm not an expert at all, but I thought your translation was really great! It must be tough with 3 languages in your head at one time >< Ganbatte, spacelion! And I totally understand about the hearing thing. I used to always use subtitles (for English movies even though English is my first language...XD) because my hearing was so bad, but I'm trying to train myself not to. It's really hard hearing what they say in Japanese sometimes when they're talking fast >< I end up relistening to the same part over and over and over and

      Yay, thanks for the permission! I'll tweet it out now and then link to it at the beginning of Mogi's G+ posts tomorrow :D More people need to appreciate Mogi Megami~
