Sunday, March 23, 2014

Mogi Shinobu's Google+ Posts 03/21/14-03/23/14 (English Translation)

Make sure to follow Mogichan on Google+!

March 21, 2014 - Friday

1:01 PM

Ohamogi [T.N. - Ohayou (good morning) + Mogi] ⊂( ・ω・ )⊃ boom shaka boom shaka

Today, I have two theater performances ‹‹\( ˙▿˙ )/››

I'll enjoy them〜( ¯ω¯ ) *laughs*

Everyone, please come see us (੭ु˙꒳​˙)੭ु⁾⁾☀︎

I'll be waiting for you at the theater or On Demand!☻

11:34 PM

Otsumogiー [T.N. - Otsukare (thank you for today) + Mogi]

The performances have ended!
I wore my hair straight (∩´∀`∩)

During today's break, I laughed a lot with Takatima-san ‹‹\( ˙▿˙ )/››

It was seriously funny when she said, "I'm going to punch you with my fist!"
(੭ु˙꒳​˙)੭ु⁾⁾ *laughs*

Also, happy birthday to Umetan ♡

I love when Umetan is mature and composed

and I love when Umetan is innocently laughingーーー☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Please take care of me from now on ☀︎
I MoggiMogi [T.N. - grab] Umetan's butt Lol

Tomorrow, I might be able to go to the place that I've been wanting to go to for a long time!( ¯ω¯ )

March 22, 2014 - Saturday

11:29 AM

Hey ⊂( ・ω・ )⊃

It's Mogi!

Today, I'm about to change my plansー‹‹\( ˙▿˙ )/››

I'm going to the place that I wanted to go some other time ( ¯ω¯ )

What are your plans from now〜( ๏ ₃๏ )?

11:48 PM

Otsumogi ♪( ´θ`)ノ

Today was a recording for AKBINGO!…

but not really ♪(v^_^)v *laughs*

After lessons,
I went to karaoke with Umetan and Moechan ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

It's rare for me to go to karaoke with members〜( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)

Moechan said to me,
"I didn't know that Mogi's voice could be so loud when singing Lol"
( ¯ω¯ )

Because AKB's songs are so high-pitched that I can't sing them loudlyー( ๏ ₃๏ )

After that, I had enough time
so I went to that place that I've been wanting to go……

I went to the ophthalmologist ( ̄▽ ̄) *laughs*

Do you feel like "It was the ophthalmologist!" ☻?*laughs*

And on the way back, I peeked into a pet shop to see the puppies ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

And while I was looking, the shop assistant said "You can pick one up if you want" (´⊙ω⊙`)

I was able to hold a baby Shih Tzu (((o(゚▽゚)o)))

It was shaking its tail so much and it was so small and cute (;;)

When I'm older, I'm definitely going to have a puppy〜!

…is how I feel now; today was a very fulfilling day ☀︎

Do you all feel complete ‹‹\( ˙▿˙ )/››?

This entry got long…
Thank you very much to anyone who read it until the end ( ー̀∀ー́ )!

Both of the pictures are of Mogi ♡ *laughs*

March 23, 2014 - Sunday 10:44 PM

Otsumogi ♪(v^_^)v

Today, I had lessonsー!

I had a lot of free time, too, so I listened to a lot of music ‹‹\( ˙▿˙ )/››ノーMusic Life!☀︎

My music player's cover is falling apart *laughs*

But they don't sell covers for this model anymoreー( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)

Maybe because I haven't had any performances or work lately (Not that I've ever had much work ←)、

I haven't properly worn make-up,
and I feel like my femininity levels are decreasing more and more (꒦ິ⌑꒦ີ)

I need to look forward to nationals and adjust my condition  o(`ω´ )o!

Well then, well then, since I have to wake up early tomorrow,
as soon as I get home,
I'm going to immediately take a bath and sleep!!!

I had another bad dream a while back so I hope that it's about time for a good dream〜( ˘ω˘ )

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