Friday, October 18, 2013

Kojima Mako's Google+ Posts 10/06/13-10/12/13 (English Translation)

Make sure to follow Kojimako on Google+!

October 6, 2013 - Sunday 10:59 PM

Konbanwaribashikamabokomako!♡ [T.N. - Literally translates to something like 'Good evening chopsticks fish paste Mako" ...]

The picture is with a bamboo kamaboko-san♪

Today, I intruded on
Fukushima Minamisou horse market!

It was my first time visiting a disaster stricken area
and I was really nervous, but

Everyone at Minamisou horse market
greeted us with warm applause and cheers
and I was really happy...♪

We sang 7 songs and had a Janken tournament,
we took a commemorative photo,
we were able to interact a lot with everyone
and it was a lot of fun ♡

To everyone who made their way out to see us despite the rain,
thank you very much!

If I ever have the chance,
I'd like to visit again!!ฅ^•ω•^ฅ

Also, yesterday was Mitsuki and Mizuki-chan's
birthdays \(^^)/

Happy birthday to both of you ♡

I love Mitsuki who is always so bright
and innocent that whenever I'm with her
I feel like all of my troubles will go away ♡

And I secretly admire Mizuki-chan who is stoic
and tries her best at everything she does (..)♡

I hope that Mitsuki and Mizuki-chan
have a wonderful year ahead of them...♪

Also also、

Thank you for all of your hard work during the K-san stage ♡

October 7, 2013 - Monday 11:52 PM


Today, I worked all day♪

As to what work, that news is still restricted
Please wait just a little longer ♡!

Now I'm going to watch an episode of "Enta no Kamisama"
that I've recorded \(^o^)/ Lol

I'm going to laugh so much~♪♪♪

But I'm tired today so
I'll just learn what I can
and then head to bed early ฅʕ •ﻌ• ʔฅ Lol

What?I contradicted myself  Lol

Everyone, when are you going to sleep?♪

October 9, 2013 - Wednesday

12:00 AM


I get asked at handshake events often
about what this greeting means (..) Lol

It doesn't have any meaning in particular ♡

I'm just playing a word-chain game Lol



Yesterday, when Nagisa-chan tried to say this phrase,
her Kansai intonation came out
and it was very fresh and interesting \(^^)/

Next time, I'll make sure to take a video of it~♪ Lol

Lately, for my own health
I've begun drinking vegetable soup!!

But I can't eat many of the vegetables (^.^)☆

11:32 PM


From now, I'm going to cut my bangs ฅʕ •ﻌ• ʔฅ

How do you feel about bobbed hair??♡

This is a hair question.

Among all of the hairstyles I've ever did,
which one is your favorite?♪

I've done many different styles,
but since cutting my hair
I wear it straight a lot \(◦˙︶˙◦)/

But it's starting to get longer
so I thought I'd switch it up ♪

I'd like to use this as reference for handshake events and stage performances,
so please let me know (๑°ㅁ°๑)

Today, together with
my favorite blueberry gum
I tried my best \(^^)/


October 11, 2013 - Friday 11:13 PM


I'm sorry that I wasn't able to update yesterday (T-T)

Today was another fun day ♪!!!

I wrote this in a mail already,
but I'm deliberating on whether or not I should cut my hair (..)

I grew it out to about my collarbone ♡

Once it reaches this length
I have to decide whether
I want to cut it or let it grow (。-_-。)

But personally
I feel like maybe
long hair wouldn't suit me。。

But short hair is harder to styleー。。

But either way,
lately, I mostly have my hair down anyway。。


According to you all,
do you think that long hair
or short hair would suit me better??

Please let me know \(◦˙︶˙◦)/

Also, the Janken book
is now on sale!

I appear in the book
here and there
so please find me ♡

October 12, 2013 - Saturday 11:37 PM


I read everyone's comments
and talked to several people

I've decided what I'm going to do with my hair (ง •̀_•́)ง!

As to what I'm going to do、、、

it's a secret ♪♪♪ LolLol

It seems this is one of those things for you to look forward to ฅʕ •ﻌ• ʔฅ

Please wait ♡

The Team 4 original song
"Innocence Philosophy"'s
MV is now available to the public

I have offshots
and little mentions of it in the mail messages

that I sent
so please check it out ♡

Also, a small boast!

When I opened Google+ today
Yuko-san had just created
a posting

So I rushed to comment
and I was able to get the 4th comment ♪ Lol

Waai \(^^)/♡

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