Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Kojima Mako's Google+ Posts 10/13/13-10/19/13 (English Translation)

Make sure to follow Kojimako on Google+!


October 13, 2013 - Sunday 12:15 PM

Konbanwaribashikamabokomako ♡ [T.N. - She explains the meaning of this here from the October 9 entry]

Today, I've had a shoot since morning ♪

For today's breakfast, just now
I ate tomato risotto~♪

It somehow put me in
a fancy mood ฅ^•ω•^ฅ Lol

Everyone, today is Sunday, isn't it ?!

Whether or not you are working or resting today,
I hope that everyone can spend the whole day
enjoying themselves \(◦˙︶˙◦)/

I'll try to as well (`・ω・´) *doyagao*

What did you all eat
for breakfast?♡

October 14, 2013 - Monday 12:36 PM


After yesterday's shooting,
I went shopping with Mama and Papa

I switched to the newest model
of a certain product
that is the latest trend...

But the configurations and the downloads
are too hard to figure out
even though I was up pretty late trying

I gave up and left it as is...。

Even now I don't have it by me Lol

I'm all alone at home (..)

It's not that I'm too dumb
It's that the machine is too smart!(T-T)


HeRuPuMiー(T-T)(T-T)(T-T) [T.N. - she wrote "Help me" using hiragana]

The photo is of my pajamas
from the pajama scene of "Seijun Philosophy"(^-^)

October 15, 2013 - Tuesday 11:41 PM


Today, I had a lot of fun
again all day \(◦˙︶˙◦)/

Please wait just a little bit longer
until I can notify everyone
on what I've been working on!

Nishinocchi is spending the night ♪♪

Waーi \(^^)/ Fufun

We'll be careful
not to stay up too late
while we chit chat all night LolLol ♡

Everyone, are you safe from the typhoon?

It seems like it is quite large
so please be careful、
especially while commuting (>_<)

Make sure that while you're walking、
you step firmly against the ground
so that you don't get blown away!


since I'm starting to doze off、

please send me some words that will help snap me out of it!

October 16, 2013 - Wednesday 11:52 PM


The typhoon hit Japan yesterday and today
Is everyone okay?

The NEWS showed all of the damage、
and I was once again made aware of the frightening nature of typhoons.

Nothing can be done
to prevent a natural disaster

But during crucial moments
I want to know how to protect myself

Again、I was reminded that
I need to learn this kind of information!

Tomorrow、 I have a theater performance for the first time in a while (ง •̀_•́)ง

I'm pumped up for it ~♡

I'm excited I'm excited (๑°ㅁ°๑)

To everyone who will be attending、
let's have a good time \(^^)/♪


Are you awakeー?ฅʕ •ﻌ• ʔฅ

October 17, 2013 - Thursday 11:30 PM


I had a stage performance and
recording for "All Night Nippon"
with Miichan and Miki and Nana ヽ(・д・)

"All Night Nippon"、

It was my first time doing radio
and at first I was nervous, but

I slowly got used to it
and was able to talk a lot ♡

It was really a lot of fun ♪♪

It will be broadcasting tomorrow so
everyone, please don't fail to listen to it!ฅʕ •ﻌ• ʔฅ

It was also my first stage performance in a while ♪*

I performed "Temo Demo no Namida"
with Naanya \(◦˙︶˙◦)/

It was Maanya. Yes ♡

Tomorrow's also a stage performance

I'll enjoy ittttーーーーー(ง •̀_•́)ง

He He He ♡

October 18, 2013 - Friday 11:03 PM


I had a theater performance today \(◦˙︶˙◦)/

Today was the first 14th gen "Tenshi no Shippo" ♪♪

With Mitsuki and Miki ฅʕ •ﻌ• ʔฅ

We've been saying for a long time
that we wanted to do it、、、

It was so much fun ♡

I hope we can do it again ♪♪

And, and


"All Night Nippon" will be broadcasting

after this from 1:00~3:00 AM!

We will be talking about things
regarding Team 4 so

I hope that many different people
will be watching it!

But if you're late to tomorrow's handshake、
because you were up late listening、
I'll be really super angry at you ♡

That's a promise ~(。・ω・。) Fufu

October 19, 2013 - Saturday 12:01 AM

Good nightー♡

Fufuーn ♡

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