Thursday, October 10, 2013

Miyawaki Sakura's Google+ Posts 10/09/13-10/10/13 (English Translation)

Make sure to follow Sakura on Google+!

October 9, 2013 - Wednesday

8:38 AM

Good morning ヽ(´▽`)/

I was able to sleep well again last night!

I hope to focus and work hard again at today's lessons ♪

For all of today,
Try your best and good luck.

Sakura bloom!

10:01 PM

Good evening!

Today, I had an offsite shooting for KoreKara ♡

It was with Abe-chan sensei and with Nao (。・ω・)ノ゙

Ueki-kun wasn't invited, but showed up anyway! (inside joke)

Everyone please definitely check it out when it broadcasts ♪

During today's lessons, the choreography wouldn't stick in my head at all and it was a lot of trouble (;_;)

Tonight, I'll watch the choreography video and make sure to learn it!

Murashige kissed me through her mask (゚д゚) Lol
(I'm sorry I'm not wearing make-up in that picture) (´-ω-`)

Sakura bloom!

October 10, 2013 - Thursday

8:21 AM

Good morning!

Today, for some reason, I'm really sleepy...(´-ω-`)

Wake upー! Sakura!

That reminds me! It seems like Milky-san also decided to try a short haircut ♪

I bet it's definitely cuteー(*´`)
I hope I can hurry up and see Milky-san in person and meet short-haired Milky-san (´•ω•`๑)♡

With that, for all of today
Try your best and good luck.

Sakura bloom!

10:35 PM

Good evening!

Today, I had a stage performance ヽ(´▽`)/

Lately during rehearsals, all of us members have been sitting in the audience and watching our previous stage performance on the screen!

With everyone watching together, it's easier to spot any problems and you feel more self-conscious about messing up, so it has led to much more efficient rehearsals
(ง •̀_•́)ง

From now on, I hope we can continue our rehearsals in this manner and work hard to make our stage performances even better!

Everyone, when you come to watch us perform on stage, or when you watch us through DMM, do you ever notice anything?
I'd be happy if you'd let us know ♡

Sakura bloom!

11:50 PM

Good evening!
I'm Miyawaki Sakura (^^)

It's sudden, but
here's the broadcast for the 4th episode of
"FM Sakura+ Sakura no Sakuranbo Radio"!!!

This time, I will be the only member, but
I answered many of your questions from when I requested questions from you all last time!
(I'm sorry that I wasn't able to answer every question (>_<))

It's a bit long, but if you have the time, please listen to it!

Also, I'd like to continue to constantly be accepting messages from everyone!
I'll be waiting to receive lots of messages!

With that, for all of tomorrow
Try your best and good luck.

Sakura bloom!

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