Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mogi Shinobu's Google+ Posts 10/27/13-10/29/13 (English Translation)

Make sure to follow Mogichan on Google+!


October 27, 2013 - Sunday

8:37 AM

Oohaamoogiiii ( ー̀∀ー́ )!!![T.N. - ohayou (good morning) + Mogi]

Today, I have two theater performances!

Other than for school, days that I have two performances are the only time I wake up early so on my way to the theater, I'm overcome by so many peaks of sleepiness (´⊙ω⊙`)

I need to be careful not to fall asleep on the train〜…

but, even as I write this post, I keep dozing off (>_<)

Well then, well then, I'll go give my all at the two theater performances (((o(゚▽゚)o)))!

4:57 PM

The first performance is over!
Thank you very much ( ๏ ₃๏ )


Half-pigtails ( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙) Lol

How's it?…: :(´ཀ`」 ∠):

10:07 PM

Otsumogi![T.N. - Otsukare (thank you for today) + Mogi]

The "Pajama Drive" stage final performance!
It's over〜(๑°⌓°๑)

It happened unexpectedly fast…(°_°)

I didn't cry a single tear, but it hit me pretty hard. Lol

But I'm glad I was able to finish with a smile on my face o(`ω´ )o♪

Of course, it's a stage that we've performed for a long time
so I'm sad that it has ended
I hope I can take all of the things that I've learned during "Pajama Drive" and apply them to our next stage "Te wo Tsunaginara" (∩´∀`∩)!

Thank you to the "Pajama Drive" stage, thank you to all of you ( ー̀∀ー́ )♡

Please also take care of us in "TewoTsuna" ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

October 28, 2013 - Monday

7:04 AM

Ohamogi (°_°)!

I'm sleepyーMy body's sluggishー: :(´ཀ`」 ∠):

But I'll try my best!

On today's TV divination,
"Moving fast with that person you've been thinking about ♡"
is what it said, but…

Person I've been thinking about…( °ω° )???

I'm not thinking about anyone in a 'Love' way, but I have been thinking about people in a 'Mystery' way〜(´-`).。oO(Like Sei-chan Lol

It seems that it'd be good if I assertively talked to people, so I'll try talking to lots of different people today (˙³˙)( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)♡

Well then, well then, see you later♪

9:46 PM


Today, I had a late dinner…(´・_・`)

My stomach's full. I'm happy, but filled with regret : :(´ཀ`」 ∠):

And yesterday, I wanted to drink some liquid yogurt (´-`).。oO(

I didn't have a straw small enough for it, but completely peeling off the cover seemed annoying, so I thought I'd just use my fingernail

I focused my strength to poke a tiny hole …

And my finger went completely through (´⊙ω⊙`) Photo reference

A really big hole was torn, and
my finger was really cold, and
yogurt got all over my clothes and face…(´Д` )

I've decided from now on, no matter how bothersome it is, I'll completely peel off the lid before drinking (๏₃๏)

The picture is with Piiman!
Pigtails unexpectedly suit Piiman ( ー̀∀ー́ )☆

October 29, 2013 - Tuesday

7:35 AM

Ohamogi ( ー̀∀ー́ )

Did you watch yesterday's "Ariyoshi AKB Kyouwakoku" (∩´∀`∩)?

It seems that it still hasn't aired in some regions so let's try not to spoil anything…
( ๏ ₃๏ )

I haven't been on "AKB Kyouwakoku" in a while, but I'm glad that I was able to smoothly talk o(`ω´ )o♡

Takashima-san and I are good friends now ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

I'll try my best all day todayー(´-`).。oO(

10:19 PM


Thank you for all of your impressions on "Ariyoshi AKB Kyouwakoku" ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

I'll work hard so that I can be invited onto a TV program again (´・_・`)

Also, everyone!Today's the day that "Heart Ereki" went out ( ー̀∀ー́ )

Please make sure to check out Team 4's "Seijun Philosophy" (∩´∀`∩)

Also, tomorrow, the monthly "Entame" goes on sale!

Mogi's in the corner called "Today, you are an XX-oshi" o(`ω´ )o!

I'd be happy if a lot of people could see meee ( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)♡

…Hm?This turned into a lot of advertising Lol

There are no jokes so please forgive meー: :(´ཀ`」 ∠):

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