Friday, December 27, 2013

Kojima Mako's Google+ Posts 12/25/13-12/27/13 (English Translation)

Make sure to follow Kojimako on Google+!

December 25, 2013 - Wednesday 11:40 PM

Konbanwaribashimaumamerrychristmas ♡ [T.N. - She explains the meaning of this here in the entry from October 9, but it's basically just her way of saying "Good evening/hello". She made a Christmas version here]

How are you doing~?♡

I ended up appearing on
"Nana wa Ichibu" all day, but

I had a Christmas party
with 14th gen (o´罒`o)♪!!!!!

It was fun~♡

We got so excited and laughed so much
that I'm sleepy now Lol

We also had a present exchange
and I received Nakki's present ♪

I received fluffy goods and a
My Melody-chan mug ♡

I'm so happy~♪♪♪♪♪

We also took a funny video so
I'll upload it sometime later ♡

I've never had such a grand party
for Christmas before so
this will make a really great memory ☆

Next is a New Year's party ( ̄ー ̄) *grin*

It'd be great if all the members could participate for that ♡

What would you like from Mako Santaー?♡

December 26, 2013 - Thursday 11:51 PM

Konbanwaribashikamabokomako ♡!

Today was the last theater performance of the year \(^^)/♪

I was able to enjoy it~\(◦˙︶˙◦)/

Have I improved a little this past yearー??

I hope I have (˙︶˙)

And today, I received
lots of Christmas presents
from all of you ☆!!

Santa-san stopped
coming this year so

I was really happy ♡

To all of my fan Santa-sans,
thank you very much ♪

I will treasure it (((o(゚▽゚)o)))

Today, I woke up early
so I'm already sleepy ( ³ω³ ).。o

I think I'll take a bath and then sleep ♡

Everyone, what are you doing right now?♪

11:34 PM


Today, for the first time、、

I was able to appear
on "Music Station"!♪

"Sayonara Crawl"
"Everyday Kachuusha"
"Koisuru Fortune Cookie"

are the 3 songs that we performed ♡

Everyone, were you able to find me?( ³ω³ )

It's a program that I've been
excitedly watching every week since I was young so

I was really happy and it was so much fun and
I was glowing from the beginning to end ♡

If I ever have the opportunity
to appear again,

I want to be in a spot where
my fans won't have to search for me,
but can see meー!

I'll continue working hard from now on
for something like that to be able to happen ♪

Let's enjoy tomorrow, too ♡

Today, I returned home and watched "On Air"
and took a bath and soon, I'll soundly sleep ♡

Ah, it was fun ( ̄ー ̄)♪

Abe-san has posted a picture of me
so please check it out ♡

And the FLASH special is on sale
so please check that out as well ♪

It's MikiMako (((o(゚▽゚)o)))

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