Sunday, April 6, 2014

Kojima Mako's Google+ Posts 04/04/14-04/06/14 (English Translation)

Make sure to follow Kojimako on Google+!

Mako's new cover picture:

April 4, 2014 - Friday 9:42 AM

Miki, Happy Birth Day(o^^o)πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• [T.N. - She wrote "Happy Birth Day" in English]

You're like a sister to me
and when we're together, we're always laughing (OvO) *laughs*

Smiling Miki and a weakly crying Miki
and an unusually angry Miki and ksgk Miki,
I love them allγƒΌ( ̄3 ̄)|πŸ’•πŸ’•!

From now on, let's continue to do lots of things and go lots of places
and laugh a lot \(^o^)/♬

Happy birthday!πŸ’•

It's been so long since I've made a collage
that I was clumsy and it turned out bad (。-_-。)
Forgive meγƒΌ(´・Π”・)πŸ’• *laughs*

April 6, 2014 - Sunday 12:00 AM

Moechan, Happy Birth Day!!!!!!!

Lately, we've been really close and have a lot in common
I feel like our personalities are similar?
Being together is a lγƒΌot of fun πŸ’•

I'm very, very relieved that we will be
together again on the new team  ☻✨✨✨

Mama also said "Moechan's there so it's okay"
and was arbitrarily relieved *laughs* *laughs*

From now on and forever,
please be my friend πŸ’• Aha

Truly, happy birthday ♬
I love you〜|( ̄3 ̄)|πŸ’•πŸ’•

And, and *laughs* *laughs*
Miki is next to me loudly snoring
while fast asleep *laughs* (o^^o)πŸ’•

It bothers me a little, but I'm so tired ☻♬ *laughs*

Tomorrow is RequHourーーー!
I'm personally, along with everyone else, really looking forward to it ♬

I think I might sleep now since I have to wake up early ☆

With "Anna to Yuki no Joou"'s soundtrack 
as my lullaby, I'll sleep soundly πŸ’•

Good night ( ´ ▽ ` )οΎ‰

10:13 PM

"Seijun Philosophy" was 1st place

I am a truly fortunate person.
Thank you very much!

I'm very, very happy!

I'm so happy that I was on Minegishi Team 4.
I love Minegishi Team 4!

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