Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Mogi Shinobu's Google+ Posts 01/13/14-01/15/14 (English Translation)

Make sure to follow Mogichan on Google+!

January 13, 2014 - Monday

10:46 AM

GooーdーMorーningg ( ˘ω˘ )

Today, I have 2 theater performances〜
I'll give it my all 川`∀´)

They weren't selling the chocolate cake that I was hoping to eat during my break
and my spirits dropped dropped to the MAX ( ๏ ₃๏ )

But then, I listened to music I like and my spirits were raised (੭ु˙꒳​˙)੭ु⁾⁾

It seems that I can do my best again today ( ー̀∀ー́ )☆

9:53 PM

Yeeeーs, it's Mogi (^O^)

My second performance has ended〜(੭ु˙꒳​˙)੭ु⁾⁾

My body is pretty tired ♡

Today's night performance's "Innocence" was "Nounai Papparapa" instead so it might feel a little different?

Please make sure to go verify this on On Demand ☻

I wonder what's for dinner tonight〜川`∀´)
Everyone, what did you eat for dinner ( ˘ω˘ )?

January 14, 2014 - Tuesday

7:18 AM

Ohamogi![T.N. - Ohayou (good morning) + Mogi]

Today, I have schoolー(;_;)

Even worse, I have marathon training in P.E.…(´・_・`)↓↓

For Mogi, who runs slower than a speed walking grandma, this will be pure agony (°_°)

I-I-I-I-I-I'll try my best…(。º̩̩́⌓º̩̩̀).゜

Make sure to try your best today, too ( ー̀∀ー́ )

See you later (੭ु˙꒳​˙)੭ु⁾⁾

10:02 PM

Otsumogi-san (^O^) [T.N. - Otsukare (Thank you for today) + Mogi]

Today, I've been practicing since I returned home (੭ु˙꒳​˙)੭ु⁾⁾

Dancing is harddd (´-`).。oO(

But even so, I tried my best at marathon running at school today〜: :(´ཀ`」 ∠):


For the winter semester, P.E. class will be marathon training the whoーle time and we have to run 3km each hour …(°_°)

And these devastating words I heard from my P.E. teacher today…

"Mogi, you owe 20 extra laps from when you couldn't run last year so try your best!(grin)"

(  Д )  ゚  ゚ !?!?!?!?

What could this mean…

Could this mean that I'll have to experience last year's hell of running laps around the schoolyard all by myself after school again…

I don't think I can possibly comprehend……'`,、('∀`) '`,、

Escaping from reality now ☀︎

January 15, 2014 - Wednesday 

7:57 AM


Last night, I had a dream that I was doing radio with Minegishi-san and Yuurin ( ¯ω¯ )

The things we were talking about and our way of talking was too real that
for a moment, it felt like reality and not a dream (๑°⌓°๑)

It'd be nice if it could become reality one day (੭ु˙꒳​˙)੭ु⁾⁾♡

Well then, well then, I'm off to school ( ๏ ₃๏ )

You should try your best, too ☆
See you later (^O^)

10:40 PM

Oーtsuーmoーgi o(`ω´ )o

We had to move to new desks at school today!

In the lottery, I drew a seat in the very back ( ^ω^ ) Uhaha

But I got separated from my good friend…(´・_・`)

I'm so sadー(꒦ິ⌑꒦ີ)

To make up for it, I'll study hard…(;_;)

Tomorrow is AnDare!!!!!!I'll try my best!!!!!!I'll have fun!!!!!!I'd be happy if you came to see me!!!!!!Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The picture is with Ayanan who will be on the show with me tomorrow ♡

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