Thursday, January 2, 2014

Watanabe Miyuki's Google+ Posts 01/01/14-01/02/14 (English Translation)

Make sure to follow Milky on Google+!

January 1, 2014 - Wednesday

12:44 AM

Please watch Countdown TV ♡!!!

2:06 AM

Once again,

2014, Happy New Year!!

Please take care of me again this year \(^o^)/

In regards to Yuko-san's graduation,
I still don't have my feelings sorted out、、

I kind of had the feeling that this day was going to come,
but it was so sudden、、、

Anyway, starting today, I need to continue to work hard!

9:38 AM

Good morningーー\(^o^)/

New Year's Day \(^o^)/

This is the costume from when we performed "Fortune Cookie" yesterday ♡♡

The theme of my costume was Greek goddess ♡

The costume is so cute!!

Every member had a different costume made (>人<;)

I'm very grateful to the costume makers who worked on these without sleepingー.

Do I look good in it?♡

8:18 PM

I just had the New Year's Day theater performanceee

It was tanopeanuts (^○^)♡ [T.N. - tanoshii (fun) + peanuts]

"Kimi to Deatte Boku wa Kawatta"

During this song, the intonation for the dance part got weird (OvO) Lol

9:26 PM

Group picture \(^o^)/

11:32 PM

The hair ornaments for Kouhaku's "Kamonegix" ♡

The kamo [duck] is carrying a negi [green onion]  \(^o^)/

Cute Lol

January 2, 2014 - Thursday

7:07 AM

Good morningー( ^ω^ )

I have work earlyー\(^o^)/

I will be appearing on ABC "Naniwa no Jin" today.

It won't be out for a while though ( ^ω^ )♡

2:58 PM

I was able to meet Miyabi-sanーー(OvO)♡

I also like Miyabi-san (OvO)♡♡

7:00 PM

I went to my first shrine visit of the yearー(OvO)♡

At Kashihara Shrine!!

Since I'm from Nara ( ^ω^ )!

Buttery baked potatoes
and grilled squid

are what I ate ♡

11:47 PM

I updated my blogー(OvO)♡

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