Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Kojima Mako's Google+ Posts 01/12/14-01/14/14 (English Translation)

Make sure to follow Kojimako on Google+!


January 13, 2014 - Monday 5:13 PM

The first theater performance has ended

Congratulations to all of the 20-year-olds 🎵

I want to hurry up and be 20 years old, too ♥️

I'll give my all again at the next performanceー(((o(゚▽゚)o)))

January 14, 2014 - Tuesday 11:30 PM

Konbanwaribashi (・ω・)ノ [T.N. - She explains the meaning of this here in the entry from October 9, but it's basically just her way of saying "Good evening/hello". Here, she shortened it]

Today, after a photoshoot for Shuu Play,
I went to TSUTAYA in Shibuya ♥️

I was able to GET
some of my favorite model's photobooks
and some of my favorite artist's CDs〜(^ω^)

I'm glad, I'm glad (^^)

In TSUTAYA, they had lots
of pamphlets with me on it
so I took one home with me Lol Lol

It's a mysterious feeling to be on the pamphlet
in a store that I'm so familiar with ♡

Now, now, I have to wake up early tomorrow
so I'm going to go to sleep ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

Everyone, you should also go to bed soon ♥️

Good nighーt (^^)

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