Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Kojima Mako's Google+ Posts 01/27/14-01/29/14 (English Translation)

Make sure to follow Kojimako on Google+!

January 27, 2014 - Monday 11:39 PM

Konbanwaribashi![T.N. - She explains the meaning of this here in the entry from October 9, but it's basically just her way of saying "Good evening/hello". Here, she shortened it]

The 5 days have endeー ーーd!❤️

I feel a sense of accomplishment ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

Today was Unit Matsuri
and it was my first Unit Matsuri (^^)

We performed for the first time,
the Tentoumuchu! song
from the new album
"Smile Kamikakushi"〜( ´ ▽ ` )ノ❤️❤️

But, Meru wasn't feeling well
so Miyawaki-san hurriedly learned the dance
and performed with us!

Meru, please get better soon
and return to being an energetic Meru (._.)!
Take care of yourself ヽ(´o`⭐️

Miyawaki-san, thank you very much!

After rain
Heart Ereki
Sayonara Crawl
Koisuru Fortune Cookie
Mae Shika Mukanee
Heavy Rotation

I burst for all of these songs ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

It was a fun day ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

To everyone who came during these 5 days,
to everyone who watched from a theater,
thank you very much (☻-☻)

I was so happy ❤️

With that said, good night ❤️

Aha Lol

January 28, 2014 - Tuesday 11:36 PM

Konbanwaribashi (OvO)❤️

Today, I had a photoshoot for EX Taisho-san

It'll go on sale February 15th (☻-☻)

It was a photoshoot with Namako-hime [T.N. - Nana, Mako, Miki] ❤️

Somehow, no matter how much I sleep, I'm still sleepy (。-。)

Why do you think that isー?(。。)

Ah, today was an AKBINGO! on the
fashion showー(☻-☻)

My first fashion show...

I wonder how it turned out, please look forward to it ❤️

Fa〜I'm sleepy (。_-。)

I'll be in the comments (OvO)

Additional comments:

11:36 PM
First commentー
11:37 PM
It's a fashion show on AKBINGO!!
11:37 PM
I got it backwards! Forget that happened!
11:37 PM
I want to do a theater performance
11:38 PM
I don't know if I'm weak from RequHour,
but I'm not in excellent physical condition (。-_-。)
11:39 PM
It's been a long time since I've had a fever (。-_-。)
But I don't really feel like I have one,
I feel pretty good Lol
11:39 PM
I wonder what it is?
11:40 PM
Whatever, sickness and health start with the mind!
I'll go to bed early and wake up early ❤️
Oyapuminashaーi (OvO) [T.N. - She typed Oyasuminasai (good night) weirdly]

January 29, 2014 - Wednesday 11:59 PM

We had
Sashihara-san sample
our MikiMako special mixed juice ( ̄▽ ̄)❤️


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