Monday, November 25, 2013

Mogi Shinobu's Google+ Posts 11/23/13-11/25/13 (English Translation)

Make sure to follow Mogichan on Google+!

November 23, 2013 - Saturday

5:48 AM

Ohamogi![T.N. - Ohayou (good morning) + Mogi]

I'm up early!
I always hear that it's easier to wake up if you absorb the morning light, so I'm going to go sunbathe by the train station ( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)!


It's cold so please make sure to dress warmly ( ー̀∀ー́ )

If not, you might catch a cold (´・_・`)!

Well then, well then, I'll be waiting for you in the 51st lane at Pacifico Yokohama
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ☆

2:56 PM

Otsumogi![T.N. - Otsukare (Thank you for today) + Mogi]

Thank you for the handshakes!
It was so much fun ☻!

If only these fun times could last longer…(´-`).。oO(

And I didn't make it in the gravure raffleー(´・_・`)!

It's been a while since I've felt so frustrated…Lol

If I ever have the chance again, I'd like to do gravure ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ☆

The picture shows the clothes I'm wearing now〜♪
I collected all of the members' kiss marks. (Lie)

8:43 PM


I say "Otsumogi", but I haven't done anything since the last time I posted ( ๏ ₃๏ )

The place where I got my flu shot still hurts〜

I hate getting shots〜

I hate the feeling of the needle completely being pushed in and then the feeling of the injection〜

Now, I have no strength in my left arm (´・_・`)

I always swell up whenever I get shots〜( °ω° )

But I'm not swollen yet and I don't have a fever, so this time seems like it'll be fine (∩´∀`∩)!

I haven't decided what clothes I'm going to wear tomorrow yet〜(๑°⌓°๑)

I wonder what I should doー( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)
I'll be called unfashionable either wayー(⌒▽⌒)

Kiichan, congrats on "Young Jump"!
Mogi-san is excited for you!!!

November 24, 2013 - Sunday

6:34 AM


Everyoneーwakeーup ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

It's the morning of a handshake eventー(∩´∀`∩)!

The place where I got my shot still hurts
and my nose won't stop leaking but

please still take care of me today (((o(゚▽゚)o)))♪

I'll be happy if I can talk to many different people ☻♡

2:53 PM


Thank you for the handshakes!

Today, many people came during the 2nd and 3rd blocks and I was really happy ☻☆

During "Innocence" or my unit,
I'm working especially hard so I'm really happy when I get praised for it (((o(゚▽゚)o)))

Also, people were worried about my shot so thank you very much for that ( ー̀∀ー́ )

I'm doing better than usual (∩´∀`∩)

The picture is of today's outfit!
It's fluffy and I'm hot〜

9:01 PM


Everyone, thank you for your comments (∩´∀`∩)

And!Today, in a newspaper extra?or something, the 5th album 2-shot event was announced!!!

For Mogi, it's only the 2nd 2-shot event;
last time was so much fun, I'm really looking forward to this next one as well
( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)!

Please definitely come and get your picture taken with Mogi (((o(゚▽゚)o)))!!!

It's not anytime soon, but I'll be waiting ( ^ω^ ) Pocchipochi ♡

Tomorrow is a theater performanceー!!!

I'll keep the comments that I've received from everyone in mind and give it my all
( ー̀∀ー́ )!!!

Please come to the theater ♪
If you can watch the live stream, please make sure to watch it ♡

Well then, well then, oyamogiー☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ [T.N. - Oyasumi (good night) + Mogi]

November 25, 2013 - Monday 9:55 PM

Otsumogi ( ๏ ₃๏ )

The theater performance has ended!

Today, I felt like, I may have had more mistakes than usual (꒦ິ⌑꒦ີ)?

The choreography for "Daisuki" kept slipping out of my mind; I'll try to pay more attention!

Also, for some reason, I felt like I didn't have any power in my arms, and I kept almost dropping the mike, so next time, I will make sure to put in more power and work hard!

Hurry up and become more endurantー(´-`).。oO(

Thank you very much again for today ( ー̀∀ー́ )☆

I want to hurry up and go home and sleep ( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)( ˙³˙)

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